When new installations are fitted, including those for lighting, nothing should be left to chance.
The comfort of a space often goes with the atmosphere it gives off and this, first and foremost, is driven by subtle luminous touches that we add with lighting. This can be done in several ways: By highlighting an object, a texture or a certain section of the room. Today it’s common to use ‘ambient’ lighting to illuminate living spaces.
Its primary objective is to create a particular atmosphere, often a cosy one, that is often sought after.
Lighting is also closely linked to well-being.
There are many aspects to consider when optimising lighting: Wattage, temperature or degrees Kelvin, incandescence/luminescence, glare-free, adequate and even illumination, lack of reflection, shadow management, colour rendering....
SAS ETE helps you with matching your lighting choices with the rooms and sections that you wish to highlight or just simply to be comforting to the eye.
Feel free to ask advice from an ETE technician by phone on +33 (0) or by email I need some advice